Days 0640 & 0641

Does a man’s approach to a first kiss reveal his personality flaws and fabulosity?

I don’t mean where and when the kiss happens, but the actual mechanics and technique.

If it’s matter of fact and insistent, does that mean the man doesn’t have any desire to unpeel the onion layers of my personality? That he’ll believe that what he see is all of what I am.

The one that doesn’t get the hint of tightly gritted teeth as a fortification against their probing cow-tongue and tells you to ‘just relax’ as if that’s what’s keeping your incisors on high alert. Is that the man who never takes a ‘hint’ — not that I’m a fan of hints generally but telling someone to get their tongue the hell out of your mouth seems like it would put paid to any continuing mouth-to-mouth activity. (And maybe that’s the lesson here: it should be said and it should end then and there).

The ones who start gently and slowly get to know your lips and your kisses; they are the ones who watch and think and care? Or do they just need you to take the lead?

Kissing is weird in the scheme of things. It doesn’t make a lot of rational sense; you can’t be vigilant and on alert for predators while you’re doing it. It doesn’t improve fertilisation (as far as I know).

But it can be really amazing – with the right person. Gross kissers are gross; like expecting a prince and getting a certified accountant. The sooner you get out of there, the better

Beautiful kissers are poets, tangling you up in their mouths, listening, changing rhythm, letting their words fall onto your lips like snowflakes.