Day 72

Every couple bickers, I suppose. Especially when they’ve got kids and relatives around. But is there anything uglier than watching them be mean to each other. I listened tonight – I had no choice – to a conversation that could have been an innocent enough discussion but t quickly became clear one person had an agenda of using this conversation to make the other person feel like a dick. It was ugly and mean – all the more so for being done in front of people. It made the other person feel small, I am sure. I wish I was a superhero: Don’t-Treat-the-Peeps-Mean Woman. I would change into a sophisticated superhero outfit – uniquely tailored but practical, of course – and swoop in to Stop The Nastiness with my titanium bookmark lasso. I would be the geekiest superhero alive, but I would save millions from feeling more alone as part of a couple than if they were on their own. Surely that is the loneliest lonely feeling in the world.