Day 0457

I would never have guessed there would be so many steps to regaining my Self.
Today’s involved a legal query: what name should go on such and such a paper (one that signifies independence for me quite literally).
And the reply from my lawyer: Put N—– McB—- on it.
That’s My Name. Please wear it out.

That is me. Me!

Mother of beautiful child.

Woman who is Still Here in spite of an over-run of arsehats.

Daughter who has regained the friendship and care of her parents after He tried so hard to sever them.

Person with incredible friends who don’t get tired of propping her up, smiling at her, telling her the truth when she needs to hear it.

Human being worthy of being treated with kindness, of not being lied to. Of being listened to.

I will doubt all these things as soon as I stop writing them.

But more than anything I want them to be true. And I felt like they were for more than a minute or two today.

And that’s not just ‘nice’; that’s the beginning of a revolution.