Days 0611, 0612 & 0613

There is great symbolism in departure today.
Four years ago almost exactly I ripped my throat from the claws of my marriage. And I started a new job five days later.
I managed not to move house right away or I would have made the trifecta of life’s Hard to Do List all at once.
I had a period of that weirded-out elation that protects you right after a traumatic decision.
Work was a doddle – no deadlines – not real ones anyway. No scrutiny and an office mate who was even more introverted and detached than me.
Well that initial elation became a hard, long road which I can now drive without breaking my axles over and over again.
That office mate became Halfman, who scoured what was left of my gentle nature with his special patented Shitwash.
And today I say good bye to the workplace that accompanied me through all of that.
And as much as I’m just changing jobs, I’ve reached the point where it also feels like a line drawn around all that soul destroying crap – the brown, stinky hills of crap which have choked me, covered me, stuck to my heels etc.
Shall I go on? Cos it’s been pretty hard going.
I feel poised now though. And I’ve got that semi-scary, totally excited sense of anticipation: that thing that was my favorite part of the Happy Halfman time. The wanting. The looking forward to.
There can’t be any other Halfman experiences waiting out there for me, can there?
My luck can’t be that bad?
I hope.