Days 0664 & 0665

So someone who is nasty gives up their right to expect any generousity form me.

I concur. And I think I finally actually believe that is true as well.

So, does it then follow that someone who is nasty to me – who treats me poorly – gives up the right to expect me to be happy to see them? Of course.

And also gives up the right to expect me to be kind to them? Yes, I think that is also the case.

But does that mean I am allowed to be unkind? As in, I can be unkind – express my anger at my treatment with a One Finger Salute perhaps – and not feel that I am a terrible person?

I don’t seem to be able to give myself that.

And yet, I think it is entirely reasonable.

If I passed that Halfman and he was on fire, I would stop, put it out, get him some help.

But when I pass him and he smiles at me with that smile that expects me to be happy to see him, well I think it’s ok to be less than polite.

But clearly I am working hard at believing this for some reason.

I wish I was a meanie: maybe I would be more accepting of my humanity then?

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